English | Chinese |
Application Architecture A description of the structure and interation of the applications as groups of capabilites that provide key business functions and manage the data assets. |
应用架构 对应用之间结构和交互的描述,这些应用作为多组能力提供关键业务功能和管理数据资产。 |
Business Architecture A description of the structure and interaction between the business strategy, organization, functions, business processes, and information needs. |
业务架构 对业务战略、组织、功能、业务流程与信息需要之间结构和交互的描述。 |
Capability Architecture A highly detailed description of the architectural approach to realize a particular solution or solution aspect. |
能力架构 对实现特定解决方案或解决方案某个方面的架构途径的详细描述。 |
Data Architecture The structure of an organization’s logical and physical data assets and data management resources. |
数据架构 对企业主要数据类型与来源、逻辑数据资产、物理数据资产以及数据管理资源的结构和交互的描述。 |
Foundation Architecture Generic building blocks, their inter-relationships with other building blocks, combined with the principles and guidelines that provide a foundation on which more specific architectures can be built. |
基础架构 基础架构由通用构建快、通用构建快与其他构建快的相互关系以及有关的原则和指引构成,它为在其之上构建更具体的架构提供了基础。 |
Segment Architecture A detailed, formal description of areas within an enterprise, used at the program or portfolio level to organize and align change activity. |
分段架构 对企业内各区域的正式详细描述。分段架构在项目群或项目组合层面使用,旨在对变更活动进行组织和对齐。 |
Solution Architecture A description of a discrete and focused business operation or activity and how IS/IT supports that operation. A Solution Architecture typically applies to a single project or project release, assisting in the translation of requirements into a solution vision, high-level business and/or IT system specifications, and a portfolio of implementation tasks. |
解决方案架构 对目标明确的独立业务运营或活动以及IS/IT如何支持该业务运营的描述。解决方案架构通常应用于单个项目或项目发布,帮助将需求转变成解决方案愿景、高级业务和/或IT系统规格以及一组实施任务的项目组合。 |
Strategic Architecture A summary formal description of the enterprise, providing an organizing framework for operational and change activity, and an executive-level, long-term view for direction setting. |
战略架构 对企业的概括性正式描述,提供运营和改革活动的组织框架和方向设定的管理级远期视图。 |
Target Architecture Presents the ultimate target end-state architecture(vision) |
目标架构 代表了最终目标、最终状态的架构(愿景) |
Technology Architecture A description of the structure and interaction of the platform services, and logical and physical technology components. |
技术架构 对平台服务、逻辑技术构件以及物理技术构件之间结构和交互的描述。 |
Transition Architecture A formal description of one state of the architecture at an architecturally significant point in time. One or more Transition Architectures may be used to describe the progression in time from the Baseline to the Target Architecture. |
过渡架构 对架构在特定时点某个状态的正式描述。可以使用一个或多个过渡架构描述从基线架构向目标架构的时间演进。 |